Explosion-proof wire box

Explosion-proof wire box
Chuyên nghiên cứu và phát triển chiếu sáng công nghiệp, sản xuất và kinh doanh của các doanh nghiệp công nghệ cao quốc gia
rated voltage.: AC220V/380V
IP Code: IP66
Explosion-proof mark: Exde IB/I IC T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC

Phạm vi áp dụng:
◆ Thích hợp cho khu vực 1 và khu vực 2 của môi trường khí nổ;
✧Suitable for combustible dust environment 20, 21, 22;
◆Suitable for petroleum refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing,
Explosive hazardous environments such as military industry and military installations.
The shell material has two kinds of die-casting aluminum alloy and cast steel;
✧Various types of structures to meet various wiring needs on site; .
◆Stainless steel exposed fasteners.
> >Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Inlet Specifications
> >Order Notice
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
The company's main products are
Explosion-proof transfer switch
Explosion Proof Wall Switch
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet
Explosion-proof control button
Explosion-proof junction box
Explosion-proof travel switch
Explosion-proof pipe joint
Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipe
Explosion-proof and anti-corrosion operation column
Explosion-proof latch
Explosion-proof lighting switch
◆Suitable for petroleum refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing,
Explosive hazardous environments such as military industry and military installations.
The shell material has two kinds of die-casting aluminum alloy and cast steel;
✧Various types of structures to meet various wiring needs on site; .
◆Stainless steel exposed fasteners.
> >Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Inlet Specifications
> >Order Notice
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
The company's main products are
Explosion-proof transfer switch
Explosion Proof Wall Switch
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet
Explosion-proof control button
Explosion-proof junction box
Explosion-proof travel switch
Explosion-proof pipe joint
Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipe
Explosion-proof and anti-corrosion operation column
Explosion-proof latch
Explosion-proof lighting switch
◆Suitable for petroleum refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing,
Explosive hazardous environments such as military industry and military installations.
Tính năng
The shell material has two kinds of die-casting aluminum alloy and cast steel;
✧Various types of structures to meet various wiring needs on site; .
◆Stainless steel exposed fasteners.
> >Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Inlet Specifications
> >Order Notice
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
The company's main products are
Explosion-proof transfer switch
Explosion Proof Wall Switch
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet
Explosion-proof control button
Explosion-proof junction box
Explosion-proof travel switch
Explosion-proof pipe joint
Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipe
Explosion-proof and anti-corrosion operation column
Explosion-proof latch
Explosion-proof lighting switch
✧Various types of structures to meet various wiring needs on site; .
◆Stainless steel exposed fasteners.
> >Main technical parameters
mẫu AH51
Executive standard GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Dấu chống cháy nổ Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Lớp bảo vệ IP66 ·
Lớp chống ăn mòn WF2 ·
Inlet Specifications G3 / 4 "

> >Order Notice
1. Khi đặt hàng, vui lòng chọn từng cái một theo mẫu sản phẩm.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements

The company's main products are

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